Moss Ginga Cosplay

Här kommer Ni få läsa lite om vad som händer i Ginga Cosplay Group SWE, Ginga-hörnan, lite om cosplays. Samt annats smått och gott i Silver Fang era :D

All these Swedish dubbed versions

Publicerad 2014-03-20 23:25:00 i Ginga nagareboshi Gin, Silver fang, dvd, film, nörd, serie,

Don´t forget to give feedback :) Always appriciated!

After this I´m trying more on tumblr with Ginga stuff :)
Moving adress:

Where should we begin ?
I must say some of the versions are combos with Finnish and some I don´t know which are first.
But we will sort it out on the way I hope.

I think most of you will not read so much, and just look at the pictures, but it still welcome to comment :)
And the pictures aren´t free to use!!

With that said, let begin!

1987, was the first time Silver Fang came outside Japan.
Sweden was the one who bought the rights to this lovely anime.
Sadly was it kinda moral panic at the 80´s. All well amount of movies with violence for younger crowd got cutted for more friendly tone, and Silver Fang is one of the victim.
Funny thing is that, blood and gore was cut out, but that they swear time to time like sailors or almost says in every sentence that they will kill each other or something. Is all good, but blood oooh hell no! XD
Also cut them together as 4 movies. As we all know now is that they took out more than just that the censorship wanted.
But the most truly reason is that they wanted to try cut it so it flows on so good as it can.
Year after Sweden came it to the other Nordic countries and Hungary which took from finnish translation if I recall right.
And it seems it got to be kind a direct translation from Swedish…. So sorry for that XD

It´s a good dub for be from the 80´s and 4 people who have all the voices ( except last movie with one more for Wilson, Mushashi etc)
One thing not even Japanese version can do ANYTHING or BEAT is Swedish Sniper with German accent, that my friends are GOLD!

Silver Fang was one of the first and one of the most sold anime in Sweden and if the information is correct in the Nordic .

And still today comes new editions for the cutted and uncut version. So it can´t be a forgotten anime, why should they still print it out and sell it ?

Will start try to set the year and edition right, but if it´s ?? I`m not sure okay XD
It will be some text between the pictures also :)

Fun fact! Vol 4 on the first edt was texted in Swedish :D It seems that not all is it, but on the cover it says they talk swedish and it subtitle in Swedish, but just that XD

Another funny thing, sad but true...
on the backside of the cover (first) it says this:

In Alaska's true wilderness, people often live in dangerous proximity to the wild Grizzly bears and trained hunting dogs have helped to protect their "masters". When our story begins as a little puppy just been born and given the name Silver.
His father was known as one of the very best bear hunters, but in a fight with a mad giant bear called "Red Helmet" he loses and falls down into a ravine.
All this looks Silver and Bear "Red Helmet" will become a permanent enemy of him. The adventurous life of a puppy has just begun, and ir is the first section.



FIRST DVD ISSUE ( Think 1998?)
I really don´t know why they did disc one with some  color and the rest... nothing...boring discs
Here are I´m not sure this came before tinbox.. Anyhow
HERE starts they to get it right, that it says Japan and NOT Alaska XD
Also the cover says these Dvd´s have 5.1 and better sound than before, but to be honest... then I tried 5.1 it just had a wheezing sound hole anime throught -_-;

The cover are very neat! Also here comes some ads.
Talented Alice Engström had done them and love the backgrounds with a character
you can follow her here:
I think this is the first pure swedish box and also with a small booklet, which are very nice to look in.
Some errors is with that here it says Wendros gave out Silver Fang 1986 and it´s fron Takahashis manga from 1984 ( which 1983 is the right date for first sight of GNG)
And it says Gohei Takada XD
Think is charming with errors.
Dvd´s is the same from Alice Engströms version

First box with dubbed Swedish and Finnish also known as tinbox, mostlt because well... the box is made of tin |D
I really don´t like Gin here , specially not inside. But clever with the dvd´s to have it fit with the background.

THIS ONE I know I saw 2012 so it would be around there and is the latest Swedish dubbed version.
Lovely cover and here is not 4 discs anymore either same as tin box is just 2 :)
Also new versions of dvd´s and ads inside the cover!




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